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Featured Talks

Women in Business Lifetime Achievement DeLinda Forsythe's Inspirational Journey
"Doing well and doing good need not and should not be mutually exclusive." - DeLinda Forsythe. Watch as DeLinda Forsythe captivates the...

DeLinda Forsythe Keynote - Generational Leadership, Conscious Capitalism, and You
Bringing together Conscious Capitalism and Generational Leadership. Meet the leaders of the San Diego Conscious Capitalism chapter, CCSD,...

Creating a Culture of Multi-Generational Mentorship
The Mutuality of Generational Mentorship Gender equality has been a driving purpose for me as CEO | Founder of Innovative Commercial...

Multi-Generational Mentorship - Nerissa Zhang
DeLinda Forsythe interiews Nerissa Zhang who is one of her Multi-Generational Mentees. Nerissa is CEO and founder of The Bright App - a...

Power of Mentorship - The True Power of Girls - Grace DeLynne & Christine Gail
Join us at the Leaddd conference as DeLinda Forsythe interviews 11 year old Grace DeLynne author of the book "True Power of Girls",...

Effortlessly Partner with Millennials to Drive Growth
DeLinda Forsythe shares how to effortlessly partner with millennial coworkers to co create policies that led to industry defying growth...
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